Thursday, October 09, 2008

I had a friend, but now he is dead

Yesterday evening, I needed to get out the mosquito scaring stuff that you plug in overnight to keep the little critters away. This was in my big bag which I had left on the floor of my bedroom. So I went to the bag and started rummaging around. Imagine my surprise when something jumped out of the bag, hit my forehead and fell on the floor. I am not sure which of us was most surprised. Me or the large brown cockroach standing on the floor looking up at me. Well, I sort of imagine that is what it was doing for a stunned second. We eyed each other up and then he/she/it (not sure about the biology of the cockroach species) and certainly had no time to establish its sex, then it made a run fr the cupboard and disappeared around the back. I got a shoe and pursued it, pulling the cupboard away from the wall. Again it mad a dash for it and headed off under the bed.

At this point I decided not to chase it and left it be. After all, I can kill it, but it can't kill me.

So last night it spent the hours of slumber under the bed. I know this because this morning just after I got up, as I came out the shower it got a bit reckless and emerged from under the same bed and made a run for the door. Now, I will never know if it waited for me to come out of the shower cause it felt a bit cocky(roach) and thought it could take me on, whether it was just plain stupid or even simply an unlucky cockroach. I grabbed for a shoe, and chased it across the room. It made for a shaded corner, but there was no furniture, no crack, no pile of clothes (believe me I picked everything up and put it on top of the cupboard) nowhere to hide. I had it trapped and, I confess dear reader. I whacked it over the head with my shoe. scooped it up on a piece of paper while it was dazed and flushed it down the loo.

You see, I can be ruthless and cruel, actually I feel a bit mean. It can't help being ugly and in the end it could never harm me. But now it is gone from here, and so shall I be tomorrow. I get picked up at 4am and head off to the airport for my flight to Jaffna.

Not sure about communications from there, but I will try to write whenever possible.

There a whole blog without one mention of this hot and steamy weather.

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