Friday, December 07, 2018

At the Iguazu Falls (part 1)

Sitting here waiting for lunch on the hotel balcony, passing the time until our taxi comes to whisk us back to the airport. Buenos Aires this evening and on to the South tomorrow morning. Ushuaia and Antarctica grows ever closer.

It is our third day in Iguazu and we have done so much. The fFalls are awesome, wondrous, amazing, scary, terrifyingly powerful and beautful.

We have seen them from the Argentine side, taken a taxi to Brazil and seen them from the other side of the river and taken a boat ride right up to them, and I mean right up to them.  Take a look at the video link below. All  pretty humdrum until you get to around 7 minutes. We can see the waterfall ahead and the boat just keeps going closer and closer, into the misty, steaming cauldron of spray. The roar of the waterfall gets louder and louder until it is deafening, the spray is impeneterable, all is mist, the boat rocks from side to side in the waves. Finally as we pull away, you can just see how close the waterfall is to the boat and we alll breathe again.

Iguaza Falls

Part 2 will cover the walks we have taken, some notes on the hotel and a link to a photo album.

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