Sunday, November 04, 2007

my little table

No major happening here folks, just a quick story about, well not much really.

Now last week, my little world that is amazingly narrow was brightened up with a moment that will seem trivial and irrelevant to you, but was a heartwarming moment for me.

You see, in my room in the house is a desk and chair, a bed and a cupboard, and really not much else. it is from the desk and chair I sit and pen these missives to you.

So last week, there I was in the Finance Office, doing financy sorts of things and chatting to my assistant (Najib) that it would be really good if I had a little bedside table to put my torch, book and glasses on when I go to bed.

Well that evening when I went to put my bag in the back of the car to go home, there in the back is a little bedside table that had been made in the carpentry workshop that afternoon. I asked the driver what it was doing there and he told me "Mr. Najib, tell carpenter to make table for you"

Aargh, aren't some people just plain decent folks.

There, just a short story to warm the cockles of your heart.