Saturday, December 01, 2018

As Mr. Emerson, Mr. Lake and Mr. Palmer once said.....

"Welcome back my friends to the show that never ends"

After a rather long hiatus, there is a new tale of derring-do as we head off to South America and beyond. "But, what is this", I hear you say. "I has become we", so first of all I need to bring you up to date with life at Laneender Towers.

Last year, I got married to dear Sarah, my long suffering Sturdy Girl, who put up with my flitting off to Afghanistan, Sri Lanka and Angola and has decided the next tale will include her. So, for our honeymoon and celebrating both making it to the grand old age of 60+ we are off to Argentina, Chile and our 'piece de resistance' - Antarctica.

We are looking forward to the inevitable cycle ride, this time around Buenos Aires, the Iguaza Falls, the dreaded Drake Passage to Antartica where we will be kayaking in the Antarctic Ocean, followed by a night camping on the Frozen Continent. Then we head to Chile to chill out in the wine region and finally stargazing in the Atacama Desert.

Hopefully, I will have an update early next week.

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