Sunday, January 20, 2008

..and then the house shook

Wow, I am getting pretty regular at this, but such a lot is happening, I feel the need to share it with you.
Now not wanting to sound like all I do is go on about the weather, but today the maximum temperature was -10C and tonight we have plunged to -23C. I have to say I have never felt this cold for so long without any respite. It is really odd but everything is made of concrete and the concrete is frozen so the cold creeps up through from the floor from your feet up your legs and means you have permanently chilly toes and it is very reminiscent of the old brass monkey saying!!
Anyway, to add to general oddness of it all last night I went to bed early, but couldn't sleep so got a book out and started reading. Then a really strange thing happened. Everything was silent but suddenly the whole house lurched, literally it lurched, moved back to its normal position and then lurched again, and then lurched again. After three lurches everything went back to normal!!
It felt so weird, like a giant hand was shaking the house from side to side and it was swaying in the wind like a tree with the foundations rooted to the spot and me sitting in the branches swaying from side to side. What made it even more weird was the silence.
I got up and had a wander round, but everyone else was asleep and so I had to assume it was an earthquake and went back to bed. It turns our there was a small quake in Iran and it was that which shook us.
So there you go this week just gets weirder and weirder.

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