Hello again. Something has just happened that I really must report. About 6 this evening the generator was switched on so charging batteries can take place. Had a sleep this afternoon and then spent this evening here on the veranda reading, writing and having dinner.
At the end of our road is a very small shed, which a couple run as their shop. It stocks a variety of goods from a little fruit and veg to sweets and bottles of drink.
Anyway I popped up there in the darkness and had a look around the shop by the solitary oil lamp and bought a couple of bananas. When I say bought, I mean I took. They refused any payment for them and insisted I take them as a present. Tescos could learn from this. It is incredible that people who have so little are always prepared to be generous, where did we go wrong?
However, those of a slightly nervous disposition may now want to turn away. I have an interesting, but frankly, unpalatable incident to report, which involves the toilet, you have been warned.
To get to the point of this story, I have just been to the loo. Having flushed the loo you sometimes have a little look to check all the evidence has gone. So I look in and there is a “floater” proudly on the surface. But this is no ordinary floater, this one is slowly spinning. On it is a small dark object, riding it like a Canadian Lumberjack!! (Sorry, Steve). I don’t know about you but this is curious so I take a closer look and it is a small frog apparently enjoying its new game. After a few seconds it jumps off the “log” scampers up the side of the bowl and disappears under the rim. Now I have to assume this creature did not come from me (just for my own sanity), but dear reader if ever there was a justification for “hovering” I have just experienced it.
So I have to ask, has anyone else ever seen the famous lumberjack frogs of Sri Lanka? In fact, do they live anywhere else? Your comments would be appreciated.
So here I am writing to you, its 9.30pm, I am “on the veranda” listening to a collection of romantic oldies and writing to you.
Think I may just play a game of puzzle-bobble (ask Carlo) before I retire to worry about whether anyone will actually take me back to Colombo tomorrow.
The cool breeze is gently stirring the curtains; Rita Coolidge has transported me back to Thames Poly when I did my first degree in the late 70’s. (I am young, fit, slim & have hair, the world is laid out before me!!) Fortunately, there are no mirrors here. The water is cool for the first time today after a few hours of the fridge being on, and all is well with the world.
Good night.
9:45pm 10/7/2005
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