Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Quintus gets me in trouble....again

Before I tell you about todays exploits, thought you would like to catch up on the sleeping arrangements at our house.

Last night it was decided we would swap things around, and I was moving downstairs. Now the good news is - I now have my own bedroom. The slightly less good news is it has no aircon. The even less good news is it has no bed!!!!

But I do have a matress on the floor and a fan. You see Lane Ender can muck in with the best. I hope wee lassie is reading this and preparing for her Khartoum guest house!!! (Thanks for comment, much appreciated).

Yesterday we were discussing the new Tsunami relief website and I just thought I would show them the Quintus site. They were impressed and now I am in charge of designing the new website here. Thanks to Quintus - I knew it would get me a job one day!!!!

Went out for dinner with Paola last night she tells me she if off to the coast tomorrow...sigh. So I won't have her civilised company for dinner any more . Good luck and have a safe journey.

I am going to try to get moved up to Kilinochchi this week and get on with some research so my ramblings may become few and far between for a while.

Its late now and we have popped into a seedy little internet cafe behind a chinese restaurant to post this. It has cubicles for the computers and loads of porn sites on the desktop. Everytime you search for something it takes off to a site extolling the virtues of lesbians - if you get my drift. It is also running a chinese version of Windows, which makes navigation quite difficult!!!!

Well, that will do for now. I'll be in touch.

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